Originally written in 2017 for Botanical Tans Salon
The holiday season is a magical time that tends to dredge up lots of emotion and feelings we often forgot we had. You know what we’re talking about; that warm, fuzzy feeling of real and true deep-rooted… stress. Just kidding, kind of.
The holidays really can be wonderful. They’re cozy and there’s no shortage of activities or good food. But if you’re celebrating with a large family, or maybe lack thereof, there are certain stressors that can pop up. Whether you’re staying at your parents, your cousins, your grandparents, or the whole family is coming to you, we put together a few tricks to keep your family on your loving side and enjoy the holidays with minimal stress.
Make time for yourself. We know, we know, that can be seemingly impossible when
there are so many people literally everywhere. But it’s so important. You can love your family and still need some space. Getting that alone time could mean you wake up a little earlier in the morning and read or meditate. If early mornings are not an option, try going for a walk at some point during the day. If neither of those things can get you some space, offer to run an errand nobody else wants to run. Use the time in the car to breathe and recharge. You won’t regret it.
Keeping on an exercise routine. Do you usually go on runs or head to yoga? Keep on it! Getting some exercise is an extremely helpful way to combat any physical stress. Use your exercise routine as a great excuse for alone time, or use it as a way to bond without being asked the awkward, typical family questions (You’ll know when I get married, Aunt Susan.)
Forget perfection. The things that are in your control during the holidays may seem far and few between, but trust us, striving for perfect here will only lead to your impending meltdown. Not worth it. It’s OK to have a plan, but remember to go with the flow, and let the plan differentiate if it needs to. It seems untrue now, but seriously, you won’t implode if your schedule doesn’t stay right on track. Which, leads us to our next point.
Don’t try to cram everything in to your holiday plans. Pick your favorite activities and focus on those. If possible, try to include downtime in your itinerary. There’s nothing better than a house full of people not worrying about what activity is coming next.
Choose times to put away your phone. As a family, collectively agree that certain times are a tech free zone. We love Snapchatting and Instagramming our food as much as the next millennial, but once you get that perfect photo, put it away for a couple of hours and give yourself a digital detox.
Lastly, enjoy the process. As humans we tend to look for an end goal, but when it comes to the holidays, stop and smell the gingerbread. From the moment you wake up in the morning, to the time you go to bed, constantly remind yourself you are lucky to be in this moment. Even if you don’t normally like to grocery shop and you find yourself on your third run to grab groceries, keep in mind how blessed you are to have the means to feed your family. Your family that chose to gather with you for the holidays. Enjoy it.